Intelligent Software Solutions (ISS), a provider of software offerings including data analysis, visualisation, mobile, and cloud computing technologies, has been awarded a $49.9m task order contract by the US Air Force Research Labs.

The task order is to support the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) and other US government customers with intelligence gathering and analysis software aimed at improving situational awareness.

The one-year contract will involve the creation of a cloud-based information-sharing system that will eventually help bridge data gaps across various organisations.

The task order is aimed at providing the software tools and services that allow users to process, analyse and visualise large amounts of intelligence information from multiple, disconnected sources.

Under the terms of the contract, ISS will expand its support of CENTCOM’s intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations around the world, said the company.

The ISS’ software — Web-Enabled Temporal Analysis System (WebTAS), will gather and analyse intelligence information to determine and improve mission situational awareness during ISR mission planning and execution.

ISS strategic initiatives vice-president Carl Houghton said it is part of the US military and government’s goals of improving their ability to ‘connect the dots’ across disparate information networks.

"In the war on terror, it is critical to quickly communicate with other organizations, regardless of differences in networks or system platforms. Putting intelligence analysis technology into the cloud helps to cover those gaps and improve analysts’ ability to see trends and patterns," Houghton said.