Ipanema Technologies, a provider of integrated offerings for enterprise WAN management, has launched its Hybrid Network Unification offering which uses ‘sense and respond’ intelligence to monitor, control, accelerate and select the best path among MPLS and internet networks for each individual user’s traffic

The company claims that its offering for Hybrid Network Unification automatically combines the performance and quality of business grade MPLS, the high capacity and lower-cost of internet VPN, and fully integrated QoS and WAN optimisation approaches.

According to Ipanema, the new offering based on autonomic networking technology encompasses application visibility, quality of service (QoS) and control, WAN optimisation and dynamic WAN selection.

In addition, it can manage up to three networks simultaneously and enables 50-80% decrease in costs per transferred Gbyte for a hybrid [MPLS + Internet] unified network compared to full MPLS. It controls combined private data centre, public cloud and internet flows, and increases branch availability up to 99.99%, Ipanema said.

Reza Mahdavi, president of Ipanema Technologies, said: “With our technology, there is no longer an ‘either/or’ tradeoff. Ipanema allows enterprises to incorporate any VPN, any operator, any access and any delivery model. Now, companies can run any-to-any networks that operate as one.”