Integralis has changed its name to NTT Com Security as the Japanese security specialist expands its security capabilities and brings all its subsidiaries under the same brand.

Integralis’s Secode division, which which it acquired from NTT Com in 2011, will also change its name to NTT.

The name change is expected to make "good business sense", helping NTT to expand its security capabilities and invest in products and services, according to the company.

Simon Church, CEO at NTT Com Security, said: "We remain 100% focused on information security and risk management and while other acquisitions throughout our industry have lost some of their identity and expertise, we continue to have the opportunity to become our industry’s next powerhouse."

NTT Com Security, which is in the process of rolling out a new service brand called WideAngle, said there would be no management, ownership or operational changes planned.

Akira Arima, CEO at NTT Communications, added: "Through the WideAngle brand, we will continue to promote our information security and risk management skills, expertise and services, as well as enhance our Global Cloud Vision to provide secure global cloud services on a seamless, end-to-end basis. "