In an attempt to speed up the adoption of its open source enterprise technology, IBM has introduced a new platform for developers to collaborate with IBM on 50 cloud applications.

Dubbed ‘developerWorks Open’, the platform is aimed at accelerating new cloud innovations around mobile and high-growth areas.

The platform will give developers access to IBM technologies, technical expertise from the company along with access to blogs, videos, tools and techniques to accelerate their efforts.

The industry projects launched by IBM are aimed at bridging the gap between open source community and business goals, and it will cater to industries includes healthcare, mobile, retail, insurance and banking.

The company will also release the services on Bluemix, its programming platform for cloud software development.

Some of the open source apps released by the company includes IBM Ready App for Healthcare, Retail, Insurance, and Banking apps.

It is also open sourcing several Analytics technologies including Activity Streams, Agentless System Crawler and IBM Analytics for Apache Spark.

IBM Cloud Architecture and Technology vice President Dr. Angel Diaz said: "IBM firmly believes that open source is the foundation of innovative application development in the cloud.

"With developerWorks Open, we are open sourcing additional IBM innovations that we feel have the potential to grow the community and ecosystem and eventually become established technologies."