IBM says Gartner’s latest middleware market share report validates its development and acquisitions strategy in the space, while it also claims that it is taking market share from Oracle/Sun.

In the latest market share report Gartner put IBM in the lead in the middleware space, with 32.1% of the market, twice that of Oracle.

IBM also claimed that one of the factors at play has been the "hundreds" of former Sun clients worldwide that have, "selected IBM over Oracle". IBM called it a "mass migration", and said clients moving include KBC Financial, Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust (BNHFT), Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina and CitiBank.

IBM said its middleware business has grown 16% to now account for 64% of its total software business. It said its software business as a whole grew 12% in 2011 and is close to becoming a $25bn business.

The worldwide application infrastructure and middleware software market grew 9.9% to $19.4bn, according to Gartner. The sub-sector business process management grew at 11.2%.

"We believe the newest Gartner report reflects IBM’s continued and growing lead in business integration middleware," said Marie Wieck, general manager, IBM Application and Middleware. "We are continually innovating and accelerating the capabilities we provide clients so that they can expand into key growth areas such as business analytics, security, mobile and cloud. The growth in our market share illustrates the success of this strategy."

IBM was also named number one in application development software according to the report.

The stats come from a Gartner report called Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2011, published March 29, 2012.