Google is reportedly in the final stages of taking over HTC, which would allow the company to compete with Apple and Samsung, according to reports.

According to Taiwan news outlet Commercial Times, Google’s takeover of HTC could be completed by the end of the year, but only for the mobile division of the smartphone maker HTC as part of a “strategic investment” for Google.

A speculated reason for the takeover is because smartphone maker HTC is the manufacturer of the Google Pixel. Therefore by Google taking over the smartphone element of the company it would put them in the driving seat to experiment with the device development.

The move would be a win-win situation for both companies, allowing Google to focus on its Pixel handset and give HTC the chance to test and develop other areas of the company such as its Vive Virtual Reality headset.

Once a leading smartphone company, HTC has seen its shares plummet to 66.70 TWD down from 84.10 TWD over the last year.

Taking over the smartphone company would also help with their financial difficulties and push Google’s desire to develop an integrated software, content, cloud and AI system as well as the Pixel line.

Additionally, the speculations fit together with the expected release of Google’s latest Pixel handset model which is set to launch next month.

Google’s purchase of HTC wouldn’t be the first of its kind after the search engine company bough Motorola Mobility in 2012 for around $12.5bn.

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With the takeover of HTC could give Google the chance to compete with fellow Silicon Valley Company Apple in the smartphone market.

Although there have been many speculations revolving around the takeover, neither company has made any comment on the move or what the takeover could be worth but in our eyes the move could definitely benefit both parties.