Google’s Chromecast Web TV streaming dongle is anticipated to go on sale on 19 March, a leaked Dixons inventory revealed.

On sale in the US since last summer, the two-inch dongle device lets streaming internet content such as YouTube and Netflix onto portable TVs.

Plugging into the HDMI ports usually used by DVD players or cable boxes, the streaming gadget connects to a user’s WiFi network and enables Android smartphones and tablets, iPhones and iPads as well Chrome on Mac and Windows for use as a remote control for the TV.

It will also allow users to send emails or browse the web while viewing content on TVs.

With the UK price still not being revealed, the launch will bypass Roku’s rival device the ‘Streaming Stick’, which is scheduled for UK launch in late April.

Features including Plex, RealPlayer Cloud and Avia would facilitate beaming photos and videos from phone/tablet to Chromecast.