A new study has shown that Apple and Google are accelerating their lead in mobile with mobile app engagement, loyalty, and cloud connectivity through their new Google+ and iCloud offerings.

A joint survey of 2,012 Appcelerator developers around the world by Appcelerator, a mobile cloud platform for rapidly developing native mobile, desktop, and tablet applications using Web technologies, and analyst firm International Data Corporation (IDC), also found that Apple and Google are gaining in the consumer application space which is translating into significant traction in the enterprise space over time.

The survey found that while 25% believed Google+ will impact the growth and adoption of mobile the most, 22% believed the same for Apple iCloud. Near-Field Communication came in at third with 18% and HP TouchPad Launch fetched just 2%.

Developers who are using or planning to use cloud services over the next year see Amazon (51%), iCloud (50%), Microsoft Windows Azure (20%), VMWare (20%), and RedHat OpenShift (17%) as the top five players.

IDC Mobile & Consumer Connected Platforms vice-president Scott Ellison said Google and Apple are pushing mobile competition beyond OS platforms into the cloud and into social integration.

"This means even broader battles with major players like Amazon and Facebook, creating new competitive complexities and opportunities going forward for everyone in the mobile ecosystem," Ellison added.

The study found that respondents were evenly divided between iOS and Android at 44% each over the best positioned platform to win in the enterprise. Only 7% believe Windows Phone has a shot, 4% for BlackBerry, and 2% for webOS.

However, platform priorities have not changed significantly, found the report. iPhone remains tops as 91% say they are "very interested" in developing for the device. iPad is number two at 88%, while Android pulled up a couple points with Android phone interest climbing to 87% from 85% last quarter and Android Tablets rose back to Q1 levels to 74%.