IT Operations at Shell are expected to expand due to the extension of its partnership with AT&T as it looks to adopt better services and management.

Shell and AT&T will work together for the delivery of managed communications and network integration services for Shell’s global customers.

Under the agreement AT&T will bring strategic services such as network management and integration to better the services offered by Shell. Additionally, the networking company will provide global voice and data services, security and innovative solutions.

The services AT&T will bring to the partnership aim to drive cost efficiencies for the companies whilst enabling an agile, future ready IT system.

In order to carry out their strategy effectively AT&T plan to deliver network capabilities and integrated network services across various vendors, designed to support virtualised services, cloud strategy and hybrid network solutions.

Global Networking Agreement signed by Shell & AT&T
Shell, AT&T continue to flourish their partnership around the world into networks.

Frank Jules, president Global Business at AT&T, said: “Shell needs global integrated network solutions accessible from just about every corner of the planet. We can offer that. And it’s a task we take seriously.

“We’re eager to continue the relationship and move forward into new areas of innovation with Shell.”

Those countries that represent 99% of the world’s economy will have AT&T’s global integrated network solutions available to them.

Multinational businesses such as Shell depend on the company’s networking expertise to support their business, in less available network areas with poorer conditions.

The agreement coincides with Shell’s efforts to transform its more complex IT operations by taking on more market standard service approaches, as well as nurturing the existing relationship the two companies have.

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Continuing and extending the partnership with AT&T, Shell employees will be able to continue to depend on a secure and reliable network from wherever they are as well as having the ability to connect with one another through messages, conferencing and application sharing.

Shell and AT&T aim to bring the best innovative network solutions to customers with the extender partnership as they continue their lead role in network integration until 2022.