G-Cloud sales have reached the £806 million mark thanks to September spending.

The government’s cloud procurement framework was boosted by a September spending spree of £53 million, following a number of similar successful months.

The latest figures show that the majority of people using G-Cloud are in government departments, making up 77% of sales by value.

The majority of the sales were awarded to small and medium enterprises (50%), while the wider public sector made up 23% of sales by value.

The Digital Marketplace saw spending through it hit just over £2m, giving it a total of £30m since its creation. The breakdown shows that 61% was awarded to SMEs, with 89% of it to central government departments.

In August £36m was spent, £28m of which was for ‘specialist cloud services’ that are used to support transition to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).