Fujitsu has introduced new middleware products that the company says deliver runtime environments for Java and COBOL, two application programming languages that are commonly employed in building mission-critical systems.

Interstage Application Server V1 and NetCOBOL for .NET V4.2 provide the latest Java and COBOL runtime environments for the Windows Azure Platform.

Systemwalker Operation Manager V1 coordinates job scheduling between on-premise systems and the Windows Azure Platform.

Using Systemwalker Centric Manager V13.5 integrated monitoring console, on-premise servers and the Windows Azure Platform can be monitored from the same place, thereby reducing the workload of operations administrators.

The middleware products enable enterprise customers to expand the use case scenarios for applications and to take the same applications developed for their on-premise mission-critical systems and run them on the Windows Azure Platform.

In addition to the application runtime environment, Fujitsu will also be offering its enterprise middleware products, which deliver advanced functionality of system monitoring, operations automation, and other integrated management features.

Furthermore, by leveraging the Windows Azure Platform, companies can deploy applications and packages they have developed on a global scale.

Microsoft Server and Cloud Division corporate vice president Bill Laing said Fujitsu is bringing great value to the Windows Azure Platform by delivering middleware that will enable enterprise developers to build and manage applications more easily on Windows Azure Platform and the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform FGCP/A5, Powered by Windows Azure.