Fujitsu is developing a cloud platform-tentatively named the Convergence Services Platform that will leverage "big data."

Fujitsu will offer this platform in the fourth quarter of 2011, followed by a phased service release.

The Convergence Services Platform is a PaaS platform that accumulates data collected from a variety of sensors or data that has already been collected, integrates it, processes it in real time, and uses it to make future projections.

Fujitsu has claimed the new platform can leverage different types of large data sets on one platform.

With this platform, customers can enhance the value of their products and services, bring new information services businesses on line, and enhance collaboration by aggregating information from a particular region, the company said.

The platform integrates, through the cloud, all the technologies required to leverage big data, including compound event processing, parallel distributed processing, data compression and anonymisation, and data mashups.

Depending on the requirements of the service employed, it can be used starting from even a small scale in terms of data volumes and number of servers employed.

The Convergence Services Platform is expected to be provided in three formats that include integration format, where Fujitsu provides the platform as a PaaS and develops the customer’s proprietary applications on the platform.

Application services format where Fujitsu provides each type of application service including SPATIOWL through the platform, and data format, where Fujitsu utilises the environment for analysing the customer’s data as well as the data accumulated on the platform.