In his keynote address at FOCUS 15, Intel Security chief executive Chris Young laid out how he wants to transform the company which he took over only a year ago, saying: "In many ways we’re becoming a new company."
A key part of that change is a move up into the cloud. Young said: "Cloud is really becoming a core part of our business."
Young said: "We are absolutely to committed to moving our business, and much of what we offer to the cloud as well. We understand we have to get there over time.
"We’re going to start however to get much more aggressive about delivering more products, more capabilities, more of our solutions either either for the cloud from the cloud, from the cloud, or using the power and scale of the cloud."
"We’re starting with ePO (ePolicy Orchestrator) for example", said Young. "We’re going to be able to bring you the ability to manage on prem or in the cloud with ePO, whether you’re a small business, medium sized business, or large enterprise."
He also said that Intel Security is "completely re-architecturing our web gateway business so we can offer you on prem solutions, SaS offerings, or even hybrid cloud models where you can actually put a small data centre into Amazon web services, Azure or any of the other cloud providers that you might utilise."
Intel Security would also offer better security for the cloud, said the CEO.
The keynote included the announcement two new products which fit into this cloud focussed strategy.
The first was McAfee Endpoint Security 10.X, which is an endpoint service platform. The second is Mcafee Active response, a endpoint threat detection and resolution product which Young said would "detect the undetectable".
This is all part of a a feedback loop that Young’s presentation focussed on, called the threat defence lifecycle, that comprises of protection, detection, and correction of attacks.
Young also said that his firm is "staking our claim in the Internet of Things", for example launching a group to look at security of vehicles.
Young urged the cyber security industry to come together to tackle problems that their customers are currently faced with, and hunt for attacks, not just defend against them.