Fluke Networks has unveiled a SaaS application, TruView Live, to cover enterprise-grade cloud application monitoring in real time.

The product allows IT departments to have a full end-to-end insight into their systems to detect and solve problems.

The company said the idea behind the application is to improve end users’ experience and help organisations understand the true value of cloud services.

Daryle DeBalski, VP of the Enterprise business at Fluke Networks said: "The popularity of cloud-based applications like Office365 and Salesforce.com, and the emergence of ‘Shadow IT’ mean it’s far more challenging for IT leaders to gain visibility and assert influence over the entire IT infrastructure.

"TruView Live gives IT the ability to do exactly that by bridging the divide between the data centre and the cloud, giving IT end-to-end visibility of their networks once again."

TruView Live will enter the company’s Borderless Enterprise strategy alongside with Visual TruView, OptiView XG, OneTouch AT 10G Network Assistant and AirMagnet.

Arif Kareem, President of Fluke Networks said: "IT departments have traditionally focused on technology, service delivery and stability, while line-of-business leaders are eager to adopt solutions that enable rapid competitive advantage and winning more customers.

"These different perspectives can sometimes create tension between IT and business leaders, but they can all agree poor user experience has a cost — whether it’s lost customer relationships, decreased revenues or reduced employee productivity.

"Traditional IT has reached an inflection point where balancing technology and business outcomes is critical. With the growing influence of business units in selecting and bringing cloud-based services into the enterprise, IT leaders have to not only act as business partners, but also ensure Quality of Service for all applications. By taking accountability for improving user experience, IT can demonstrate a critical business benefit."