Cloud demand is boosting business for Ark Data Centres, as Exponential-e has entered into a seven years contract with the provider to increase the capacity of its cloud portfolio.

The data centre operator has been tasked with providing Exponential-e with a 760 kW data room as the comapny sees its cloud business grow. The contract includes space for further deployments.

The cloud company’s services model includes a secure layer 2 network that combines a private cloud with critical business applications.

Exponential-e said it has selected Ark after spending a year looking for an operator. The company added that it has selected Ark for its security, efficiency, and flexibility of its facilities, as well as its extensive commercial and public sector experience.

In March, Ark scooped a £700 million Crown Hosting contract with the Cabinet Office to provide public bodies with a space to host their physical infrastructure. Last week, the company was selected by BT to help the telco develop new managed cloud services for UK organisations.

In a recent interview, Steve Webb, Ark’s CIO, confirmed to CBR that the company is having a number of pieces of new businesses coming in.

He said: "The traction that it [winning the Crown Hosting contract] has got is very positive."

Exponential-e said that it will move into Ark’s facilities in Hampshire and Wiltshire over the summer, with go live scheduled for October 2015.

Lee Wade, CEO at Exponential-e, said: "Their [Ark’s] facilities are maintained to the highest standards, and are the perfect match for our business, as we continue to expand our cloud service offering to organisations seeking secure, private storage for their business critical data."

Huw Owen, CEO at Ark Data Centres, said: "The move to the cloud is still a daunting prospect for some organisations, so having a trusted and reliable cloud services partner like Exponential-e is essential."