Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems said that it is building a new data centre near Magdeburg, Germany, with approximately 24,000sqmt planned space for information technology.

The company claims that it will be the largest high-security data centre of any IT service provider in Germany by 2015.
Deutsche Telekom said that the first construction section, to be completed in 2012, will provide 9,000sqmt of IT space and around 70 new jobs.

The company said that state of Saxony-Anhalt is supporting the project with a subsidy in the double-digit million range.

Rene Obermann, CEO of Deutsche Telekom, said: "Cloud computing is a growth driver: When intelligence moves to the network, customers purchase and pay for ICT solutions on a flexible basis as required. At present, customers are primarily large corporations, but an increasing number of smaller firms and consumers will benefit from cloud computing in the long term.

"Consequently, we are gradually expanding our cloud computing capacity. Germany offers an important locational advantage to our customers, including our international business customers: It has a particularly secure legal framework in terms of data privacy."