Revenue-intelligence applications provider cVidya Networks has introduced new capabilities to its IRIS and cVidyaCloud suites which enable CSPs to monitor and analyse data on a massive scale over distributed architecture for parallel processing to help maximise the value of telecoms big data.

The new capablities will enable cVidya to bring the power of Big Data to its pricing analytics application for Next-Best-Offer recommendation.

OfferAdvisor decreases the retention costs of existing subscribers as well as identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, by enabling marketing managers and retention teams to offer the optimal offer or price plan.

cVidya’s OfferAdvisor is a Next-Best-Offer application that analyses structured data and unstructured or semi-structured data types with new data sources to be added to the application capabilities in the coming months.

The Next-Best-Offer application’s recommendation engine considers churn risk, ability to match price plans, and add-ons based on customer preferences and behavior.

OfferAdvisor not only provides the optimal offer, but does it cost effectively, by leveraging cloud and Big Data architecture for distributed and parallel processing.