Crystal Palace football club is using cloud and analytics to improve the way players are preparing for matches.

The football club is making sure that the saying ‘fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’ doesn’t come true for its players by using Pushfor.

Players will be sent information both post and pre-match to help them improve their performance and to monitor the behaviours of opposition. By using Pushfor, the clubs performance analysts will be able to tell if players are viewing the content.

Previously, the club had been giving players DVD’s to take home, but now all use the app on their smartphones.

In order to make sure the data is secure, the app’s security features allow to set expiring content, to recall videos after they’ve been sent and to set limitations of how often they can be accessed.

Performance analytics are becoming increasingly vital for sports teams as clubs look for any small margins where they can find improvement.

John Safa, Co-Founder, Pushfor, said: "Football is becoming smarter and data performance analysis has paved the way for a statistics-driven approach to most areas of sports. The way players receive information must match this revolution."

Pushfor is a private cloud-sharing platform that is designed to allow users to share content in any size, filetype and to any device.

The club ended last season strongly finishing in 10th place in the Barclays Premier League under the management of Alan Pardew.