Enterprise cloud and agile development firm CollabNet has launched the commercial version of its CloudForge development-Platform-as-a-Service (dPaaS) that offers consumer like experience to enterprise cloud development.

Platform as a Service (dPaaS) brings simple interface offering enterprise-grade analytics, IT provisioning, deployment and security management.

The new release will enable developers and operations teams to migrate their projects and data to the cloud and deploy to their PaaS or data centre.

The new platform allows development teams to provision and integrate their tool stack of choice, including hosted tools like Apache Subversion (SVN), Git, Trac and TeamForge and integrated applications like Atlassian JIRA, Basecamp and Rally Software.

CloudForge will help developers to select their tool stacks from its App Center, while ensuring compliance with corporate IT via the backend reporting, user management and visibility capabilities.

CloudForge will also help administrators gain a single-pane view of cloud resource use, activity and project progress and critical data needed to manage team-based development.

It also helps IT operations define and control their deployment processes, then pass control to developers to one-click deploy to PaaS and cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services (EC2), VMWare’s CloudFoundry.com, AppFog, Force.com, and Google App Engine.

CollabNet Cloud Services vice president and general manager Guy Marion, "The new CloudForge user interface removes the complexity of mapping people and projects across many tools, and provides an engaging and collaborative way for developers to get their cloud, mobile and enterprise apps to market quickly."