Cloud, networking and virtualisation technologies firm Citrix has released Citrix CloudStack 3, its first open source cloud platform, to bring the power of Amazon-style clouds to customers of all sizes.

Citrix CloudStack is a component of the Citrix cloud computing portfolio, providing customers with services that make it easy to build new clouds, connect to existing cloud services and deliver any cloud with the security, performance and reliability.

The new open source cloud platform is designed to ensure organisations can build production cloud environments on a platform designed for economics, elasticity and scale and to help customers build public and private clouds.

CloudStack 3 includes a cloud-optimised version of Citrix XenServer 6 as a core integrated feature and supports NetScaler SDX and VPX appliances and extends network level integration to products like Citrix CloudBridge and Citrix CloudGateway.

Citrix Cloud Platforms Group group vice-president and general manager Sameer Dholakia said built correctly, cloud computing delivers efficiency and faster deployment of new services to the end-user, thereby changing the economics of the data centre by shifting the delivery of IT resources to an on-demand model.