UK-based application logistics company Camwood has launched its Application Lifecycle Manager, a cloud based service enabling access to real time information on the status of a single application, groups of applications or an entire portfolio.

Designed for the requirements of project and application teams, Application Lifecycle Manager tracks, monitors and manages the status of applications, be it part of a normal lifecycle or part of a key migration project, where business continuity is important, said the company.

Camwood’s Application Lifecycle Manager aggregates information on what applications are used, where they are, what they are doing, their cost to the business and how they are being used.

The tool then highlights application interdependencies that arise through certain business processes.

Camwood CEO Frank Foxall said applications are the lifeblood of any business and yet very few people have any idea as to the number of applications they are using within their business.

He said, "People are surprised to hear that an organisation of 50,000 users will typically have around 5,000 applications."

Foxall continued, "To help them control their application estate, Application Lifecycle Manager is designed to manage the lifecycle of an application from cradle to grave. Plus, its versatility means that it can be used to control large volumes of applications during a migration, or simply to maintain the day-to-day run rate of application change."

Camwood’s Application Lifecycle Manager captures only relevant, must-have detail in real-time, said the company.

Additionally, the new product records details of how to install and configure each application.