CA Technologies has launched Service Assurance Partner Solution Centre, a new online resource that helps partners articulate the value of the Application Performance Management, Infrastructure Management, and Service Operations Management offerings from the company to customers.

The new Service Assurance Partner offering Centre provides a suite of partner-centric content including offering briefs and demonstrations that will help partners optimise their customers’ business service performance across any changing IT environment.

The new offering is designed to help customers achieve end-to-end service and transaction visibility for any environment -physical, virtualised, and cloud, the company said.

In addition, the offering provides CA Technologies partners with information and support to help their new and existing customers to adopt an end-user focus, while earning the economic benefits of sourcing models like Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service, the company said.

CA Technologies service assurance general manager Chris Cook said that by leveraging their technology, tools and support, their partners can reduce sales cycles and uncover new, high-value consulting and services opportunities.

"For our customers, that translates into adding a strategic partner that transcends product implementation and provides guidance on how to evolve IT from a siloed cost centre to a business-aligned team focused on end-user and business outcomes," Cook said.