Basho Technologies and Cisco have partnered to integrate the Riak KV NoSQL database with Apache Mesos.

A framework has been developed allowing the Riak KV NoSQL database to run on Apache Mesos in order to bring operational efficiency to big data services.

The integration automates the data centre infrastructure below Riak KV instances. It will enable businesses to deploy distributed data services at global scale, supporting Internet of Things and big data apps.

Riak KV manages the data tier and Mesos is responsible for the underlying infrastructure.

Basho said the integration allows for true push button scale up/scale down as Mesos can aggregate and re-aggregate resources for/from Riak nodes.

It will enable users to write scripts for making scale up/down events automatic depending on business logic.

Cisco Intercloud Services chief technology officer Ken Owens said: "Enabling Riak KV with Mesos on Intercloud, we can seamlessly and efficiently manage the cloud resources required by a globally scalable NoSQL database, allowing us to provide the back-end for large-scale data processing, web, mobile and IoT applications.

"This integration will accelerate developers’ ability to create innovative new cloud services for the Intercloud — the globally connected network of clouds Cisco is building with its partners, which will offer cloud services to help customers capture the multitude of opportunities created by the Internet of Everything (IoE)."

Basho chief technology officer Dave McCrory said: "By combining Basho’s Riak KV with Mesos, we’re able to deliver an easy-to-deploy platform for real-time data processing. We thereby enable a new class of modern data center developers who can break free of infrastructure restraints and give rise to a whole new class of hyper-scale applications."

Basho is also developing an open source integration with Mesos to commercialise across a supported enterprise offering.

The company is planning to incorporate the resource management capabilities of Mesos as a core service offering of the Basho Data Platform.