The total amount of Australia’s consumer and business Internet (IP) traffic will grow six-fold by 2015, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41%, according to the fifth annual global Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast (2010-2015).

Cisco said the number of network-connected devices in Australia will be more than 84 million, more than triple Australia’s population, by 2015.

By 2015, there will be 20 million Internet users – up from 14 million in 2010. The average Internet user will generate 19.5 gigabytes of Internet traffic per month in 2015, up 562% from 3 gigabytes per month in 2010, a CAGR of 46%.

IP traffic will reach 22 gigabytes per capita in Australia in 2015, up from 4 gigabytes per capita in Australia in 2010.

By 2015, in Australia there will be 3.6 networked devices per capita, up from 2.1 per capita in 2010.

Internet video traffic will be 81% of all consumer Internet traffic in 2015, up from 50% in 2010.

The research also predicts that Australian Internet-video-to-television traffic will be 14% of consumer Internet video traffic by 2015, up from 7% in 2010.

AGIMO Policy and Planning First Assistant Secretary Glenn Archer said at the national level, the Internet already delivers a significant contribution to Australia’s productivity and all indications are that this will continue to grow rapidly – particularly as cloud-based services become embedded in the operations of business and government.

Cisco Asia Pacific Area VP Les Williamson said together with the NBN and other broadband build-outs in the private sector, and a world that is growing more interconnected, there are unlimited opportunities for Australian businesses.

"Beyond taking advantage of the business imperative of being faster, better and cheaper, businesses need to plan how they can extend this locally, regionally and globally to increase productivity, innovation and competitive advantage," Williamson said.