Amazon Web Services has again moved to appeal to customers that are looking to develop on-premises.

The cloud company revealed its Linux Container Image that is designed to help those that are looking to move into its cloud to test workloads and software on-premises.

Public cloud has traditionally been held up as the ideal environment for test and dev, mainly due to the cost benefits, but AWS is offering its Linux product so that users can do more development on-premises.

The Amazon Linux AMI is described as being able to provide a stable, secure, high performance execution environment for applications running on EC2.

It will offer limited remote access, no root login and mandatory SSH key pairs, and a very small number of non-critical packages installed.

AWS chief evangelist Jeff Barr wrote: “Many of our customers have asked us to make this Linux image available for use on-premises, often as part of their development and testing workloads.”

AWS is appealing to developers that want to test on-premises.
AWS is appealing to developers that want to test on-premises.

The image is available from the EC2 Container Registry and is built from the same source code and packages as the AMI in order to ease the path to container adoption.

The cloud company carries out the task of updating critical and important security updates at boot, which is done as an on-premises instance, but users will be required to run their own patches.

The move from Amazon to further embrace customer demands for on-premises capabilities is another sign that it is changing its all public cloud stance.

Recently it signed a hybrid cloud deal with VMware that named the virtualisation company is the primary private cloud partner for AWS. The move gives AWS a true hybrid cloud offering and a significant boost to its hybrid cloud portfolio.

While these moves are not a sign that public cloud is weakening, they are a sign that AWS has accepted that customers want more than just the public cloud option.