Amazon has announced Amazon Machine Learning, a managed service which will allow developers to use historical data to build and deploy predictive models.

The models can be put to use for a number of purposes, including the detection of problematic transactions, preventing customer churn, and improving customer support.

Amazon‘s Machine Learning APIs and wizards are designed help to make the development process easy by guiding them through the process of creating a tuning machine learning models.

Jeff Bilger, Senior Manager, Amazon Machine Learning, said: "Amazon has a long legacy in machine learning."

"It powers the product recommendations customers receive on, it is what makes Amazon Echo able to respond to your voice, and it is what allows us to unload an entire truck full of products and make them available for purchase in as little as 30 minutes."

"Early on, we recognized that the potential of machine learning could only be realized if we made it accessible to every developer across Amazon."

"Amazon Machine Learning is the result of everything we’ve learned in the process of enabling thousands of Amazon developers to quickly build models, experiment, and then scale to power planet-scale predictive applications."

Additional capabilities allow for developers to visualise statistical properties of datasets, which is designed to help developers to understand data distributions and to identify missing or invalid values.