Alibaba Cloud is offering international tech companies easier access to the Chinese market with the launch of its Global Marketplace and AliLaunch programme.

AliLaunch uses the company’s cloud computing expertise to assist technology partners in dealing with hurdles that international firms have when expanding into China including scalability and technology compatibility.

The programme will allow technology partners to use several offerings like joint ventures, marketplace partnerships and wholesaling.

The AliLaunch programme will serve as an online store, allowing Chinese enterprises to access different technology partners and deploy software or services via Alibaba Cloud.

AliLaunch currently lists 11 technology partners from the US, Europe, Japan and Thailand.

The Global Technology Partners participating in Alibaba Cloud’s marketplaces include SAP, SUSE, HERE, Hitachi Data Systems and several others.

Alibaba Cloud Global vice president of Alibaba Group and General Manager Sicheng YU said: “The introduction of AliLaunch demonstrates Alibaba Cloud’s ongoing commitment of building a global cloud computing ecosystem, which connects SaaS developers and business partners from different countries on a unified platform.

“The AliLaunch program and Global Technology Partners Marketplace serve as the perfect platforms for making different software products accessible to businesses and organisations in China.”

Alibaba Cloud has also partnered with HTC to advance virtual reality (VR) development with cloud computing solutions.

The companies will develop innovative solutions to tackle bandwidth allocation, data transmission and data processing needs in areas including VR video production and VR broadcasting.

The partnership will also bring together industry developers to develop a VR cloud ecosystem, and extend HTC's VR app store, Viveport, to Alibaba Cloud’s cloud computing platform.

Alibaba Cloud has also launched a suite of solutions in video, image and speech recognition technologies through its artificial intelligence programme, ET, at its cloud computing conference, Beijing Summit.