Today at its annual U.S. Digital Marketing conference, Adobe announced major changes to the Adobe Marketing Cloud.

The changes will enable brands to bring highly personalised experiences to physical spaces like retail stores, hotel rooms, vending machines and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

Brad Rencher, Senior Vice President at Adobe Digital Marketing, said: "Marketing is moving beyond existing digital channels to include new physical experiences in the real world."

The marketing strategy will include the new Adobe Experience Manager Screens, which give marketing teams the opportunity to extend interactive content experiences including images, 3D interactive models, video and other physical contact.

"Adobe Marketing Cloud helps brands use their online marketing data to create unparalleled personalization in retail, entertainment, and travel and leisure experiences," said Mr Rencher.

The software company also ‘touched’ the Intelligent Location capabilities of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, which will allow companies to use GPS and iBeacon data to optimise their physical brand presence.

With the visualization of iBeacon data, brands will have the chance to view traffic patterns and customer engagements within retail stores, sports stadiums, airports, hotels, museums and in other places.

Marketers will be able to measure low-traffic times throughout the day, consumer interactions with push notifications and in-app messages triggered by iBeacons and more.

Chris Norton, vice president of CRM and Channel Intelligence, Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, said: "From SPG Keyless, which gives our members the ability to go straight to their rooms and unlock their hotel door with their smartphone, to outfitting our rooms with digital experiences that allow our guests to explore hotel amenities and receive individually personalized content and promotions, we are leveraging analytics and technology to eliminate perennial pain points for our travelers.

"The Adobe Marketing Cloud is playing a crucial role in that revolution."

One day after the long awaited Apple Watch launch, Adobe also thought of this wearable technology and its new IoT approach will give marketing teams the opportunity to reach out to these devices.

Adobe Target will support digital content testing, optimisation and personalisation beyond web browsers and apps across any IoT device.

Brands will use Adobe Target to serve content based on a customer’s personal interests across everyday touch points like ATM machines, gas station pump screens, game consoles, car dashboard screens, appliances and more.

Melissa Webster, program vice president, Content and Digital Media Technologies, IDC, said: "Today, delivering an experience online isn’t enough. Brands need to extend marketing to physical spaces and connect directly with customers across an ever-increasing number of touch points.

"And they need a vendor that can lead this evolution and define the future of marketing."

In addition, Mobile Core Services and Adobe Analytics will let marketers measure and analyse customer engagement within content and apps across IoT devices using the new IoT SDK, which is an extension of the Mobile SDK.