The mobile money management solution allows firms to reach customers through existing mobile operator networks, web and internet channels and mobile devices, regardless of the device their customers prefer to use.

The solution allows customers to conduct traditional banking transactions, automatically adjusts to fluctuations in network traffic such as sudden peaks of traffic at the beginning of a business day and can facilitate thousands of simultaneous transactions. The solution uses ‘cloud-like’ technology. Moreover, customers can be segmented by brand, product or language.

The mobile money management solution will process micropayments in real time, to help companies take advantage of new business models, while potentially opening new streams of revenue. It will incorporate the Fundamo Enterprise Mobile Financial Services (EMFS) platform and combines it with Accenture’s Service Delivery Platform (SDP).

Andy Zimmerman, global managing director of mobility services at Accenture, said: “Mobile money management is about businesses facilitating financial services. Because it involves elements such as financial regulations, as well as customers’ money, and personal details, mobile money must meet extremely high standards in terms of performance and security.

“By installing the Fundamo solution onto our industry-leading SDP, Accenture helps provide businesses with an industry-tested way to deliver reliable, secure, mobile services to their diverse customer segments.”