Accenture and Salesforce are collaborating to extend the complete Accenture CAS software suite to the Salesforce1 Platform.

The solution will be brought to the cloud to combine customer management and mobility software from CAS with mobile, social and analytics capabilities from Salesforce’s CRM and cloud platform.

Aiming at consumer goods companies, it will offer a single system for users to engage on for sales and trade marketing processes.

Simon Ellis, Program VP for IDC Manufacturing Insights, said: "The impending availability of the Accenture CAS software suite via the Salesforce1 cloud Platform offers some intriguing benefits to consumer products companies looking to enhance their front office capabilities; either as a way to broaden availability globally (traditional and modern trade) or to further integrate with field-based employees via mobile and advanced analytics tools."

Accenture CAS is designed in collaboration with consumer goods companies to provide an integrated software suite that can span a company’s sales processes and operations. The collaboration with Salesforce will help to integrate mobile applications into their systems.

The two companies already have an existing strategic alliance.