Barcelona will once again take centre stage in the IoT space by hosting the first IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) from September 16 to 18.

Hosted by Fira Barcelona in partnership with the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the event will count over 4.000 visitors and 120 speakers, with 30% of these being dubbed as ‘top-level attendees’ by organisers.

CBR puts together five things to expect from the congress.

1. IIoT ‘s DDS based edge-to-cloud data sharing platform

PrismTech will be showcasing the latest innovations in its Vortex Intelligent Data Sharing Platform at the congress.

Ahead of the event, the provider of software platforms and integration offerings said that Vortex is the first Data Distribution Service (DDS) based edge-to-cloud data sharing platform for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and provides real-time device-to-device, device-to-cloud, and cloud-to-cloud connectivity.

The Vortex platform family includes Vortex Café for mobile phones and tablets, Vortex Cloud for cloud services, Vortex Web for browsers, Vortex OpenSplice for corporate systems, Vortex Gateway for integration with third party network technologies, and Vortex Lite for embedded sensors, according to the company.

2. Monetising IoT Analytics

IoT analytics platform company ParStream will be demonstrating the value behind IoT analytics.

CMO Sye Hoday will be speaking on "Generating Value from IoT Data in Renewable Energy" to showcase how sensors and big data can help improve energy production and led to cost savings.

Hoday will focus his speech on a case study from Envision Energy, the largest Chinese offshore wind turbine supplier, and how the company used this technology.

3. TCG and IIC partner for IoT security

The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) has revealed this week it has entered into a collaboration with the IIC to advance the concepts of trust and security in the IoT.

The group said the concept behind the liaison relationship with IIC is to share work on security in the IIoT, including definition of requirements and review of applicable standards to ensure interoperability between the two bodies.

With no more information being released, TCG added that embedded systems work group co-chair Steve Hanna will be speaking on the relationship for the first time and the role of trust in securing the IoT at the event.

4. Infosys Asset Efficiency Testbed

Technology consultant Infosys will be exhibiting at the IoTSWC with its asset efficiency testbed approved by the IIC ahead of the show.

Some of the key features of the asset include condition monitoring (to measure and track key health parameters of assets), diagnostic analysis (by using analytics engine to analyse data, compare with past data, and identify any present anomalies), and prognostics (to predict the remaining useful life of assets).

Infosys added that the reference architecture of the testbed is built on Infosys Information Platform (IIP) leveraging the IoT ecosystem partners providing sensors, application enablement, device management capability, and edge devices.

5. World’s first solar beacon

Product development WhizzWhizz Systems will be showcasing its latest invention which the company claims to be the world’s first solar beacon.

In partnership with Cypress Semiconductor and Place Global, the Helio solar beacon was manufactured by using energy harvesting ICs, and an ultralow power PSOC module from Cypress, according to the company.

The solution is loaded with a beacon management system and mobile application from Place Global. WhizzWhizz added that those two pieces combined with Whizz RF engineering, ME and systems integration created the Helio.

It can be powered by ambient light of 200 LUX, while lowering deployment and maintenance costs significantly, the firm said.