Shoppers in the UK see website speeds and functionality as more important than design and style.

Recent Citrix research has revealed that 67% of online buyers perceive web page security as a top-notch feature every retailer needs to invest in.

The research, conducted by YouGov, found that 69% were fairly or very likely to use a different website to buy a product if their chosen site was loading too slowly.

The survey has also revealed that 59% of online consumers are loyal to high street brands when shopping over the internet.

Citrix said consumers are demanding fast, responsive and easy to use websites at the same time as wanting to remain loyal to high street retailers.

To let consumers know who the fastest online retailers are, the company created a Retail Speed League that extracts data on internet pages’ speed from GTMetrix to rank the UK’s retailers by website performance.

Jason Tooley, UK & Ireland country manager at Citrix said: " The YouGov research has highlighted that consumers prefer websites that are quick and easy to use when purchasing goods.

"When considered alongside the results of the Citrix Retail Speed League it is clear that some retailers have got this balance right, with websites responsive to customer needs."