The former general manager of Wordperfect Espana SA and current spokesman for the Business Software Alliance, Federico Richter, together with some of his former colleagues, has recently created a new company in Spain by the name of Binary Developments Iberica SA, which aims to offer a number of support services to small companies or firms that do not have a Spanish subsidiary. Richter told Computerworld Espana that Binary Developments will seek to work with companies wanting to break into the Spanish market with their products – predominantly in the software field, but hardware in some cases – that feel they are currently held back by not having a Spanish office or the necessary budget to allow them to contract suitably experienced marketing and sales professionals full-time. Binary Developments will act as a kind of halfway house, offering these companies all the services normally covered by a subsidiary – advertising, press releases, visits to clients, product demonstrations – activities in which Binary claims a wealth of experience. Richter explained that the new company does not plan to sell or distribute products itself, but will act as an intermediary between the distribution network and the client, providing a promotional service. He maintained that this was essentially an innovative idea, hatched to suit the present climate, in which software companies were having to come to terms with reduced margins and would now have the opportunity to save money by contracting experienced professionals to market their products on a part-time basis, rather than incurring the costs of establishing an office of their own. Binary Developments has already picked up a number of clients, including the North American Effigy Solutions Inc, about to launch its PartitionMagic and System Commander products in Spain, and International Power Technologies Inc.