While Unix International Inc and AT&T’s Unix Software Operation consider the implications of supporting both Open Look and OSF Motif on Unix-based hardware, software house b+s Multisoft of Gardena, California (no relation to the UK accounting software firm Multisoft) has been showing a collection of developer tools that support multiple user interfaces at the recent Santa Cruz Operation Forum in Santa Cruz, California. The company’s Window Manager Interface program is said to enable software developers to create a single standard application that will operate with different graphical user interfaces, including Microsoft Windows, DECWindows, OSF Motif and Open Look, on heterogeneous hardware. The software is a set of C library routines that form a layer between the operating system’s graphical user interface and the application, supporting all features such as mouse control, pull-down and pop-up menus, scroll-bars and window frames. It will run under SCO Xenix System V and the latest release, Unix System V/386 3.2 for Intel-based hardware.