In his role as president, Armando Calissano recently officially presented the new AT&T Global Information Solutions Espana, declaring that his company, while seeking greater identification with AT&T, would nevertheless preserve its legal structure and independence. AT&T GIS is the business unit of AT&T, whose role is to develop products for the globalisation of information, he announced. Calissano will also continue in his position as Vice-president on the Board of Directors of AT&T Espana. Coinciding with the change of name, AT&T Global Espana will adopt a new client-focused structure, which intends to provide a quick and integrated response to client needs. According to Calissano, the previous structure based on business divisions that had specific responsibilities was not proving adequate in the face of the changes in the sector. Indeed, NCR had come in for frequent criticism for its internal bureaucracy and slowness in taking decisions. The client will now be the centre of attention of a Customer Focused Team which is to be made up of specialists in hardware, software, services, consultancy. Calissano denied there were any further plans afoot to lose any more staff beyond those already announced. As for the company’s 1993 results, turnover totalled $166.28m, 9.2% down on the previous year, with pre-tax profits down 15% as a result of the restructuring at the end of 1993.