Triton Technologies Inc, the developer f remote control technology based in Iselin, New Jersey just acquired by Tucson, Arizona-based Artisoft Inc for around $11.6m in cash (CI No 2,821), was founded in 1985. Under the CoSession brand name, it produces remote control software enabling personal computers to be controlled remotely for OEM customers including IBM Corp, NEC Technologies Inc and Zenith Data Systems Corp. CoSession for Windows 6.0, Triton’s latest product release, began shipping late last year, offering increased file transfer rates, multi-tasking capabilities and multiprotocol call waiting. According to Artisoft, the Triton remote control technology fits well with its recently-acquired modem-phone line sharing technology. Kurt Scheel, vice-president and chief financial officer for Artisoft, sees the acquisition is a natural extension to the company’s strategy announced last year, to exit the hardware business and focus on software: that decision culminated in Artisoft’s decision to divest itself of Eagle Technologies Inc, which it had bought it just one year previously. Sales channels were another reason why the fit was good, according to Scheel – since Triton has concentrated on OEM sales, Artisoft feels it can open up new markets by selling Triton products through its existing channels, and conversely, the deal will give Artisoft a foot in the door of the OEM market for its existing range. Scheel denies that the diversification represents any de-emphasising of Artisoft’s flagship LANtastic network operating system: we’re not de-emphasising that business so much as diversifying our dependence on it he says.