Cupertino, California-headquartered Apple Computer Inc has announced that its QuickTime Conferencing Kit is now shipping, with an ISDN upgrade on the way. The QuickTime kit comprises the Apple Media Conference software application, the QuickTime Conferencing System Extension and the QuickTime 100 Camera, together with relevant cabling, says the firm. The offering is designed to enable Power Macintoshes to videoconference, take PICT snapshots during conferencing sessions, record video sessions as QuickTime movies, and share and mark-up images, sounds and QuickTime movies via a shared window and whiteboards. Also announced is the QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit, which is designed to enable high-speed cross-system conferencing with any H.320-compliant desktop videoconferencing system. It includes a NuBus expansion board for the ISDN connection, together with an H.320 hardware coder-decoder and a telephone hand-set. The company adds that is continuing to work towards incorporating the new ITU T.120 standard into the product line, although no timescale has been set for the integration work. The QuickTime Conferencing Kit is out now, listing for $290. The ISDN extension will ship this month for around $1,750. A PCI kit is expected next quarter, but prices have yet to be released.