Apple has sued Samsung Electronics alleging that the South Korean company’s Galaxy line of smartphones and tablet computers infringe patents and copy the trademarked design of its iPhone and iPad.

In a complaint filed in federal court in Oakland, California, Apple said Samsung products infringe seven patents in user interface, including selecting, scrolling, pinching and zooming, and three patents on the design, including the flat black face of the iPhone and iPad.

Apple said the blatant copying of its products is a deliberate attempt to benefit from its research.

Apple said in its lawsuit, "When a Samsung Galaxy phone is used in public, there can be little doubt that it would be viewed as an Apple product based upon the design alone."

"It’s no coincidence that Samsung’s latest products look a lot like the iPhone and iPad, from the shape of the hardware to the user interface and even the packaging."

"Instead of pursuing independent product development, Samsung has chosen to slavishly copy Apple’s innovative technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of Apple’s valuable intellectual property rights," Apple said.

The company has sought unspecified damages and an order stopping Samsung from infringing on a variety of its patents and trademarks.

"This kind of blatant copying is wrong, and we need to protect Apple’s intellectual property when companies steal our ideas."

In the commplaint, Apple has sought cash compensation and "reasonable funds for future corrective advertising."

Samsung has refuted the claims made by Apple and has said that it will defend itself against the lawsuit filed by Apple. The company said the company’s products are the result of its own research and development.

Samsung spokesman Titus Kim said, "Samsung’s development of core technologies and strengthening our intellectual property portfolio are keys to our continued success."

"Samsung will respond actively to this legal action taken against us through appropriate legal measures to protect our intellectual property."