Advanced Computer Communications Inc of San Francisco says that it has enhanced its Series 4000 Token Ring capabilities to include support for the Ungermann-Bass and Xerox Corp XNS implementations and Novell Inc’s IPX protocol; Series 4000 Token Ring implementation of XNS supports Internet Datagram Protocol, Routing Information Protocol, Error Protocol and Echo Protocol; the bridge router’s implementation of IPX supports Novell NetWare local area networks running the Service Advertising Protocol and Routing Information Protocol; the interface enables Series 4000 bridge-router products to link remote 4Mbps or 16Mbps Token Ring local area networks into a single network; the option plugs into existing Series 4000 hardware and supports IP routing, the IBM/802.5 source routing standard, and IPX and XNS routing; the Series 4000 Token Ring interface is compatible with IEEE 802.5 standards and supports 802.2 Logical Link Control; the Series 4000 Token Ring Option discovers end-nodes on different rings by inserting source-to-destination path information into the data packet, and it routes datagrams between TCP/IP networks.