Public and policy makers often tell firms how much they care about cyber security, and how much they want to work with them on it, but what are they actually doing? How do these policy makers think about cyber security, and how are the laws enforced?

To find out, here are some cyber security events bringing together law enforcement, public policy makers, and the private sector.

1. The Cyber Security Summit

This will take place on the 18th November, at the QEII centre in London. The keynote discussion will feature Robin Wainwright of Europol, Deputy Chief Constable Peter Goodman, and a senior National Crime Agency figure.

Other topics discussed will include Enhancing Private Sector Cyber Security in the UK, and working with partners across Industry, Government and Academia to Enhance the UK’s Cyber Resilience.

As well as public sector speakers, the event has major corporate backing, with EY the strategic headline sponser.

2. European cyber security month

Events are taking place across the EU for European cyber security month. It is run by The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), the European Commission DG Connect, in association with other partners.

The campaign aims to promote cyber security among citizens, and change perception of cyber-threats by promoting data and information security, education, sharing of good practices and competitions.

3. National Cyber Security Awareness Month

This US campaign was co-founded and is led by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Department of Homeland Security, and features a variety of events during August. This year’s theme is Our Shared Responsibility.

Lots of firms and public sectors bodies are associated with the campaign, signing up as ‘champions’. They include Blackberry, Dell, Juniper and Tripwire. Even Nasa are running events!


This European summit will take place on the 10 – 11 November in Berlin. The high level speaking list includes European Data Protection Supervisor Giovanni Buttarelli, German interior minister Thomas de Maizière, Abhi Pandit, senior Dfrector, Compliance & Risk Assurance at Adobe.

Discussions will include engaging SMEs, data protection regulations, and cloud security.

5. Europol – Interpol

The international police forces have just wrapped up their cyber security get together in the Hague. People from all sectors could attend the first two days, but the final day was restricted to those working in. law enforcement.

Delegates discussed a variety of topics, including fighting the abuse of virtual currencies, building capabilities to fight cybercrime, international operational cooperation frameworks 350 cyber specialists from across the globe attended.

Next year the event will take place at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation in Singapore.