Data networking giant 3Com Corp has won its first major IP telephony deal, to provide hardware for international callback and internet telephony company US Global Link Inc. 3Com will install 500 of its total control voice over IP enabled remote access servers into the global link internet telephony network, as part of a $500m upgrade. 3Com Corp has just announced its foray into IP telephony (CI No 3,334), with the addition of software support for voice and fax over the internet on its market-leading remote access equipment. Fairfield, Iowa-based Global Link announced the launch of its voice over IP network last year last March, which supports standard telephone to telephone calls across the internet (CI No 3,127) and has already invested $500m building out the network so far. It plans to spend over $500m in the three year second phase of development, to reach a total investment of around $1.2bn.