According to NaCTSO, police are launching an updated version of the online training programme to mark the second anniversary of the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness e-Learning course.
The updated version of the course contains the latest advice from security experts along with a simplified registration system to enroll anyone looking to take part to help keep the UK safe.
NaCTSO said that since the launch of the ACT e-Learning course in April 2018, more than 400,000 people have participated with all of them put together completing around 2.5 million modules.
The police unit, which advises the UK government on counter terrorism strategy, said that the online counter terrorism training takes 45 minutes to work through the six sections. The training can be taken on a personal or work computer, laptop or tablet, all in a single session or one module at a time, said the department.
Claimed to have drawn interest from police forces across the world, the online counter terrorism training course explains how to identify the signs of suspicious behaviour and what to do to help oneself, others, and the emergency responders in the case of a terror attack.
MetPoliceUK Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Protective Security Senior National Coordinator Lucy D’Orsi said: “This is really useful training that anyone can do and access at any time. It’s an opportunity for you to play your part in protecting the national security of the UK.
“I know these are difficult and unprecedented times. During COVID-19 CT Policing continues and we would ask that you help us by being a CT Citizen and undertaking this training.
“As we saw just this weekend, with a suspected terrorist stabbing attack in France leaving two dead and five injured, we all need to remain aware of the threat.
“Whilst many people are spending more time working online from home, I’m asking if you could find time and take just 45 minutes to complete the course.”