Atos have unveiled the latest version of its Quantum Learning Machine which is now twice as powerful, and can simulate up to 41 Qubits.

The Atos Quantum Learning Machine combines a quantum software programming language based on Quantum Assembly Language within an ultra-compact system.

The breakthrough in simulating 41 Qubits comes after researchers at the Atos Quantum laboratory successfully modelled Quantum noise, this open up the real possibility of quantum simulation.

Commenting in a release Thierry Breton CEO of Atos said: “This R&D breakthrough… paves the way for researchers around the globe, enabling them today to test certain algorithms that will provide future quantum computers with their full capabilities, notably in artificial intelligence-related applications.”

In classical computer science a bit has two states 1 or 0, it is always one or the other, never both.

However, subatomic particles can exist in more than one state, a phenomenon often refereed to as quantum entanglement . Quantum computing takes advantage of this.

Think of a globe, a bit with two states can be at the North Pole or the South of the globe. A Qubit can be put in an entangled state so it can be at the two poles the same as the bit, but it can also be anywhere on the globe at the same time.

Quantum computing can fit more information into each Qubit due to the extra space opened up by entanglement. This allows for more computational power with the added advantage of using less energy than a traditional computer.

As our digital world gets flooded with more and more data from internet of things devices, as well as the exponential growth we are witnessing in the field of big data and genomics. Computational power is beginning to struggle to keep up.

“By successfully modeling Quantum noise, researchers at the Atos Quantum Laboratory are now bringing simulation to a whole new dimension, ever closer to reality,” added Mr Breton.

Pierre Barnabé, Chief Operating Officer Big Data & Security at Atos spoke at the release saying: “Over the next few decades, quantum computers will be able to tackle the explosion of data brought about by Big Data and the Internet of Things. Further significant advances in the areas of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence are also moving within reach”

Atos Quantum Learning Machine is the first industrialised Quantum system with the capabilities to simulate up to 41 qubits. The design of the memory within the system is done so that it can be upgrade as the technology progresses, leading the way for higher simulation outcomes.

Atos are not the first to offer Quantum computing to the commercial markets. IBM in 2017 released a 20 qubit quantum computational offering across its cloud services.