CGI is looking to create 620 IT jobs in South Wales over the next three to five years after receiving a £3.2m grant from the Welsh government.

The IT services firm, which was also given funding from the Skills Growth Wales programme, is seeking apprentices and graduates with skills in project management, networking, security and technical design.

Tim Gregory, President of CGI in the UK, told CBR: "40% of the roles are actually new entry roles, so we’ll be taking apprenticeships and graduates into a skills development programme.

"We start recruitment this month but it is spread over a three to five year period in total…but the vast majority will be recruited in the next 24 months."

The company, founded in 1976, currently employs 900 people in South Wales with three sites in Bridgend at Waterton Cross Business Park, Bridgend Science Park and Waterton Industrial Estate.

Gregory said: "One of the strengths of our operation in South Wales is that we take virtually all of their staff from local communities and that’s part of the benefit of being placed here.

"The key challenge is to grow the right skills, which is why almost half the roles are in fact new entrants roles. We have a programme here of how you take on new graduates and grow them through various skills and careers over a number of years."