A new artificial intelligence (AI) whitepaper, compiled by experts from the public sector, industry, and academia, has outlined the opportunities and challenges that AI presents for more efficient, effective and productive public services.

The whitepaper calls for the creation of an ethical framework, to allow government to have more confidence that those developing solutions for state level data are working to the wider benefit of society. It also sustains that the public sector should work towards a universal platform of government data that AI can digest, relate and provide insight into.

The Russian AI expert Nikolay Gurianov founder of Braintree, said that the UK to truly maximise on the potential of AI technology it must create a universal platform for public service data. He said, “AI has the potential to revolutionise public services. The opportunity to optimise the management of government spending, a more efficient health service, and improving customer service is very clear.”

Gurianov added, “The 4th Industrial Revolution will be driven by data and the government is uniquely placed to benefit from the use of AI. Its role makes it the arbiter of a great deal of data, all of which could be used to constantly improve efficiency and service provision.

“AI can join dots at scale that the human brain simply cannot. A universal platform for government data would allow policymakers to recognise trends, develop conclusions and allow for quality forward planning that informs proactive policy. But to do that, there would need to be assurances that the data is safe, and you cannot do that without using AI. AI can both liberate and safeguard the country’s data.”

Gurianov continued, “It is my firm belief AI is set to become transformative for public services and the UK is well placed to lead that transformation. However, government collaboration will be fundamental if the industry is to meet the challenges it faces.”

Maisie Borrows, research manager at the Reform think tank, who also contributed to the white paper, said, “AI can have a profound impact on how the civil service runs. From defence to health, a greater use of AI can lead to more efficient, effective and productive public services. At its most basic level, AI can replace repetitive tasks and allow civil servants to focus on more complex work. More sophisticated AI has the potential to change the entire nature of work, allowing public services to predict and prevent future challenges.”