A significant number of office workers across the UK want to bring more artificial intelligence (AI) technology into the workplace as it helps their job and environment.
A survey conducted by Adobe Document Cloud found that the majority of workers across the UK (86%) said technology improves their work on a daily basis, having a positive impact on their environment.
In addition, workers feel they can be more productive as AI technology enables them to work more efficiently and connect with other co-workers in the office.

As the growth of Robotics and AI continues to accelerate, workers have feared it will take over and replace their jobs. However workers surveyed in the UK seemingly think otherwise, as 68% revealed they are not bothered about the growth of AI as their roles need human abilities technology cannot replace.
Tasks that carry strategic knowledge cannot be replaced by AI technology as only 16% say AI could be used for creativity. Those tasks workers feel can be improved or replaced by AI are the reminder of projects or appointments and in-depth research into work related topics.
Over half of office workers want and believe AI will help and takeover admin related tasks in years to come, so it comes as no surprise that 66% of respondents to Adobe’s survey said they want their own personalised AI powered assistant the future.
Mark Greenaway, Head of Emerging Business EMEA at Adobe, said: “The research clearly shows that UK office workers are very open to embracing advanced technology like AI to augment their working day. It’s important that workers remember that AI can help make their lives easier, so they have more free time innovating and being productive.”
Although many embrace technology in the workplace to help with tedious tasks, the majority (87%) still believe their job will significantly change and only 19% feel readily equipped to deal with the advancements of the future.
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Greenway sees workers want to utilise technology, but believes it’s up to businesses to help with this development and said: “Our findings suggest that people are open to change, but they also show that workers want to be confident when using new technologies – currently the majority don’t feel they have the skills necessary to do so – so more needs to be done by businesses.”
Adobe’s survey was carried out on 2,000 full time and part time professionals across the UK.