NetSol president Salim Ghauri said the company aims to produce a customized platform that will improve the efficiency and information management for Pakistan’s public sector applications.
The goal of the software development project is to enable members of the National Assembly and Senate to access information on the working of legislative activities at their offices and official work places. The platform will also allow citizens to access information on all proceedings of the National Assembly and Senate that is of public nature through a web-enabled delivery of public services.
The applications will be first developed for the National Assembly of Pakistan and then customized for the Senate of Pakistan.
NetSol claim to be the only CMM Level 4 facility in the country, and say that less than 2% of US-based software organizations are currently rated CMM Level 4 or higher. The company has also recently announced its CMMi Level 5 Initiative, a corporate-wide mandate to achieve the highest rating available from SEI.