Anaheim, California-based General Automation Inc, in which Sanderson Electronics Plc, Sheffield is the controlling shareholder, has introduced a new generation of Pick systems running the new R91 Enhanced Pick Application Environment and called the Advantage Series. The initial models, all based on the racey 50MHz version of the Motorola 68030, are the A600 for up to 256 users, the A800 for up to 512, and the dual processor A800/2 for over 1,000. The basic system end-user prices are $93,950, $164,950 and $375,950 respectively. System A600 and A800 ships start this month; the A800/2 follows in June. The A600 has 64Kb cache, 16Mb memory, 376Mb disk, terminal input-output system with 16 ports, and a 150Mb tape streamer. The A800 comes with 64Mb memory, 1.5Gb disk, controller for 64 ports, half-inch and 1.2Gb digital audio tape. The A800/2 doubles all the random access storage; in full configuration for 1,024 users, it has 512Mb and 21.2Gb disk. All require an uninterruptible power supply. Feature enhancement kits to upgrade some earlier-generation General Automation and CIE Systems machines to Advantage technology cost from $15,550 to $61,950 and include the appropriate Advantage Series processor, memory and Pick R91 software and will be ready in April.