Xerox is planning to showcase a research breakthrough which will make computers behave like humans.

Among the technologies which are going to be showcased include how mobile technology turns a smartphone into a driving coach, imaging technology that can detect drivers who text and technology to make images more eye-catching.

Raja Bala, Xerox principal scientist, said "Xerox has firsthand knowledge of business processes across many industries, and is a pioneer in teaching computers to extract meaningful and actionable analytics from images and video."

"Although there’s been significant progress in recent years, a number of scientific challenges remain to be resolved," Bala added.

Scientists from the company are working on a camera system for highways that uses pattern recognition technology to detect whether the driver is using a cell phone while driving.

Researchers at its Xerox Research Center Webster (XRCW) are developing a computer vision system which will make smartphones into driving assistants.

The system uses facial feature detection technology in the phone which estimates a driver’s gaze direction, and detect if a driver is distracted and not paying attention to the road.

Researchers from both Xerox in Europe and at Harvard University are studying eye catching elements in images, which will help in making visuals more attractive as well predict where people will be looking at in a photo or game.

The Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) has invented a method which can automatically analyse an image and create a unique ‘visual signature’ that distinguishes it from other images.

The system claimed to create visual signatures in compact and robust fashion compared to the current deep learning methods.

The IEEE Computer Vision/Pattern Recognition Conference will run from 23-28 June in Columbus, US

Raja Bala, Xerox principal scientist, demonstrates a camera system for highways that uses pattern recognition technology to detect if a driver is using a cell phone. Image Courtesy: Xerox