The microblogging site has created a new program platform that aims to make Twitter a more attractive platform for businesses.
The new program will focus on pushing developer products that focus on engagement, analytics and data.
"Thanks to the Twitter ecosystem, brands, publishers, nonprofits, governments and others have products that help them engage with and understand their audience so they can flourish on Twitter," said Seth Bendernagel, product platform marketing team member at Twitter. "With this program, we’ve identified areas where we see huge demand for innovation on Twitter’s platform."
The main areas that Twitter is seeking to promote three developer areas on its site: engagement products, analytics products and data reseller products.
Engagement products
These products will focus on helping brands interact better with their audience on Twitter. Products that help businesses use Twitter, tweet content and enable them to find tweets for marketing campaigns are ideal.
Analytic products
Products that determine determine data about a certain brand’s product, build upon Tweets as a unique source of data, and create reports that encourage the use of Twitter for businesses are being sought by Twitter.
Data Reseller products
Twitter will focus on products in this area that build platforms to solve data needs for businesses and analytics products. Developer products that focus on providing analytics for brand mentions in real-time are ideal.
Twitter has already partnered with companies to sublicense public tweets.
"We’re launching today with 12 partners, and this is just the start. If you have a unique product that fits in at least one of the product verticals, solves a market need and has the potential for a large impact, please get in touch."
The first 12 partners are Attensity, Hootsuite, Mass Relevance, Topsy, DataSift, Exact Target, Radian6, SocialFlow, Crimson Hexagaon, Sprinklr, Dataminr, Gnip
The microblogging service has recently created stricter guidelines for developers in a move to give the company more control over third party apps.
Twitter plans to release version 1.1 of the Twitter API in the next few weeks with aims at creating a more uniform platform.
The updated rules have stricter authentication requirements and new per endpoint rate-limiting. In the new version, authentication is a must for every request to the API.
Twitter’s new app restrictions have caused an outcry from the developer community as they are likely to cause push new users to Twitter’s own apps instead of third-party applications.
Twitter, however, says that the new restrictions are being implemented to prevent misuse of its API.
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